Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cost of Caring Brochure: An Important Resource

The Cost of Caring brochure is a helpful resource to guide staff on handling their grief over the morbidity and mortality of laboratory animals in a research setting. This resource discusses the emotional experiences of personnel who work and bond with laboratory animals, and it offers coping strategies for animal research personnel and facility management.

This brochure is free for download as a PDF from the AALAS web site. New packaging and discounts of the printed brochure also make this resource very affordable for distribution among staff. Brochures may be purchased in packs of 10 for $10, and discounts are applied to volume purchases: 10% for 3-4 packs, 20% for 5-9 packs, and 40% for 10 or more packs. Visit the AALAS Bookstore today to obtain copies for your staff.

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