Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scand-LAS Award Presented

The Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science (Scand-LAS) presented “The Ulla Kristina Stephens Travel and Education Award” to Ms. Christina Ljung (center) of Karolinska University Hospital.

Pictured with Christina is her Director and Past President of Scand-LAS, Dr. Ann-Christine Eklof (left) and award donor U. Kristina Stephens.

The award is for a laboratory animal technical person who is a member of Scand-LAS and who has shown exceptional potential for personal growth.

The $ 3,500 award amount goes toward attending the 2008 AALAS National Meeting and includes a one-year membership in AALAS.

Friday, October 17, 2008

National Meeting Update

The AALAS National Meeting is less than three weeks away! Please take note of the following items as you plan to travel to Indianapolis. And, don't forget to visit the National Meeting website for information about the programs, speakers, and events that will take place.

Itinerary Planner Available
Through the online submission site for abstracts and topics (Abstract Central), meeting attendees can now plan their itineraries online. To start, just click on the Open/Create Itinerary link on the left, or click Browse to view the schedule. If you have created an itinerary you can browse sessions by day or type and then began planning your day.

New Indianapolis Airport Opening
A new Indianapolis airport terminal will open November 11. National Meeting attendees arriving and departing after this date will do so at the new terminal. For additional information about the airport, please click here.

Shuttle Coupon
Save $2 when you present this coupon on the Green Line Downtown/Airport Express (full fare is $7).

Thursday, October 16, 2008

NEW! Itinerary Planner for National Meeting

Through the online submission site for abstracts and topics (Abstract Central), meeting attendees can now plan their itineraries online at http://aalas.abstractcentral.com/planner.jsp.

To start, just click on the Open/Create Itinerary link on the left, or click Browse to view the schedule. If you have created an itinerary you can browse sessions by day or type and then began planning your day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shipping Charge Change

For years now, AALAS has not charged shipping for free items ordered through the AALAS Bookstore. On December 1, 2008, AALAS will begin charging shipping for free items. The minimum shipping charge will be $7. Shipping charges for paid items will not change. Many of the free items are available in PDF format and can be downloaded at http://www.aalas.org/bookstore/downloads.aspx.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

AALAS Journals and Ingenta Complete Integration

AALAS has completed the integration of the Ingenta journal services to www.aalas.org. Readers of Comparative Medicine and JAALAS online will access the content from www.aalas.org the same way as before and will find better search functionality and PDF articles with linked references.

In addition, article abstracts are now accessible to the more than 19 million users and 25,000 registered libraries and institutions that log on directly to Ingenta each month at www.ingentaconnect.com.

To access JAALAS and Comparative Medicine, the same rules apply—Gold members have access to both publications, and Silver members have access only to JAALAS. After an issue is six months old, it becomes available to all members and the general public. Also, be advised that only content back to 2006 is available from the Ingenta system. To access older content, users must search the old article database.

Please send email to journals@aalas.org if you have any questions or comments.

Technician Certification Exam Content Outline Revised

The Certification and Registry Board Committee has been hard at work updating the content outlines for the certification exams. Rather than the three previous domains (Animal Husbandry, Health and Welfare; Facility Administration and Management; and General Knowledge), the new content outlines now combine this information into two domains: Animal Husbandry, Health and Welfare, and Facility Administration and Management.

Approximately 80% of the ALAT and LAT exams will cover Animal Husbandry, Health and Welfare, and approximately 20% will cover Facility Administration and Management. The LATG content outline is comprised of the same two domains: Animal Husbandry, Health and Welfare, and Facility Administration and Management. However, unlike the ALAT and LAT exams, the questions are divided evenly between the two domains.

Although the exam content outline has been revised, please be aware that the exam questions for the ALAT, LAT, and LATG certification levels have not changed. The study materials that have been available to order through our Bookstore and through the AALAS Learning Library are still current.


Malcolm France (second from left), President of the Australian and New Zealand Laboratory Animal Association (ANZLAA) presented thank-you mementos to AALAS President Chris Newcomer, Bob Livingston of the University of Missouri, and AALAS Executive Director Ann Turner, who were keynote speakers at the 2008 Annual Conference in Sydney, Australia.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Nominate an AALAS Registered Technician

Call for nominations is now open for the 2008 AAALAC International "Technician Fellowship Award"

The AAALAC International Technician Fellowship recognizes two outstanding technicians each year--one IAT Registered (RAnTech) technologist and one AALAS Registered (RALAT, RLAT, RLATG, or CMAR) technician--who have made (or have the potential to make) significant contributions to the field of laboratory animal care and use. The award is intended to promote and reward the efforts of technicians who have demonstrated a commitment to a career in laboratory animal science and have shown a strong interest in attaining additional education and training to become more proficient in their vocation.

In the spring, the AALAS Registered recipient will participate in a week-long educational internship in an animal care and use program within an institution in the United Kingdom. This will be followed by attendance at the IAT Congress, the U.K.'s largest laboratory animal science and technology meeting. All registration, travel and lodging expenses are included, along with a daily allowance for meals and out-of-pocket expenses.

Nomination packages must include:

1. Nominating letter (candidates may self-nominate)
2. Current Curriculum Vitae (CV)
3. Up to three letters of support
4. Written statement (no more than 500 words) by the candidate describing why s/he should be selected for this award and how s/he will use the experience to benefit the greater laboratory animal science community

The Nomination Package should be sent by October 1, 2008 to:

AAALAC International
c/o The International Technician Fellowship Selection Committee
5283 Corporate Drive, Suite 203
Frederick, MD 21703
FAX: +301.696.9627
EMAIL: accredit@aaalac.org

For complete details and a list of criteria, please visit:

This award is presented by AAALAC International through a grant by Priority One Services, Inc. (POS) and in cooperation with the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS), the Institute of Animal Technology (IAT), the Medical Research Counsel (MRC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Housing Now Open for AALAS National Meeting

Housing for the 2008 National Meeting in Indianapolis is now available online. Please note that on-line bookings can only be made one at a time.You may book multiple rooms but they must be submitted one at a time. The general comment note field cannot be used to indicate number of rooms requested.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Election Results

Robert Dysko, DVM, DACLAM has been elected vice president-elect by the AALAS membership. Dysko, who is associate professor and associate director in the unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine at the University of Michigan, will take office at the close of the 2010 National Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. In other results, voters chose nine individuals to fill open trustee and alternate trustee positions in the eight AALAS districts.

  • District 1--Scott A. Mischler, DVM, PhD, DACLAM
  • District 2--Raymond Butler, RLATG
  • District 4--Christopher S. King, DVM, DACLAM
  • District 6--Maria T. C. Lang, RLATG
  • District 7--Brian E. Gillman, MS, RLATG
Alternate Trustee
  • District 2--Deyanira I. Santiago, BS, RLATG
  • District 4--Steven D. Blevins, RLATG
  • District 5--Theodore W. Sanders, Jr., DVM, DACLAM
  • District 6--Terri L. Grove

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Next AALAS Board Meeting Nov. 7

The AALAS Board of Trustees next Business Session will be held November 7 in Indianapolis. Members are encouraged to contact their district trustees if they have any issues they want addressed. Board meetings, except for closed sessions, are open to AALAS members. AALAS does not reimburse expenses for attending the meeting.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Registration Now Open for AALAS National Meeting

Online registration for the 59th AALAS National Meeting in Indianapolis is now open. Exhibitors must register through their companies.

This year, registered attendees may also sign up for workshops online. Remember, you must have registered for the meeting before you can register for workshops. The remainder of the preliminary meeting program will be online in approximately two weeks. In the meantime, check the AALAS National Meeting website for the latest updates.

See you in Indianapolis!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quaternary Ammonium Compounds Harm Mouse Fertility

According to a NatureNews article, "The quaternary ammonium compounds ADBAC (n -alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride) and DDAC (didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride) were identified after an exhaustive search for what was causing a massive drop-off in mouse fertility..." Click here for the full article.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Changes Underway for AALAS Foundation

The AALAS Foundation Board of Directors held their annual summer meeting June 4 and 5 in Philadelphia. Part of this time was spent on strategic planning, which resulted in a change on how the Foundation funds projects.

The Foundation Board noted the trend for companies to offer year-to-year giving instead of pledges, and that companies are also wanting to fund specific projects instead of general funds. As a result, the Foundation voted to change its focus to function as an operating organization with the purpose of creating, implementing, and evaluating public outreach program and products. This change means the Foundation grant system will be retired effective immediately; however, currently funded grants will be completed.

The board also determined that a smaller board with functioning committees will make it easier to manage and direct the Foundation. The new board structure will result in nine at-large positions, two Board of Trustee liaison positions, a Treasurer, and two ex-officio positions. Changes will take effect through attrition. In addition, the following committees were established, and one or more directors will serve as committee chair: fund raising, marketing/public relations, proposal/project committee, national meeting, branch relations, policies & procedures.

For more information about the AALAS Foundation, please visit http://aalasfoundation.org/index.html.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2008 Compensation Survey Available

The 2008 AALAS Laboratory Animal Facility Compensation Survey is now available in the AALAS Bookstore. The cost is $150 for members and $250 for nonmembers.

The information contained in this report represents complete and up-to-date compensation data on laboratory animal science professionals, allowing an institution to easily compare its compensation levels and benefits with its peers.

The study highlights compensation levels and organizational practices for 12 laboratory animal facility-related positions throughout the United States: director, manager, supervisor, clinical veterinarian, IACUC coordinator, training coordinator, research technician, animal health care technician, senior-level laboratory animal technician, mid-level laboratory animal technician, entry-level laboratory animal technician, and cagewasher.

The 124 responding organizations provided information regarding the institution, the laboratory animal science facility, benefits, salary administration, technician certification, and personnel compensation.

Compensation information was reported for all positions. The data reflect detailed information for each job title (individually and totally for those with certified/non-certified incumbents) as follows:
  • Number of responses
  • Number of incumbents
  • Total compensation (base salary, bonus, overtime, plus other cash compensation)
  • Mean, median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile
  • Base salary mean
  • Bonus mean
  • Overtime mean
  • Other cash compensation mean
  • Benefits value mean
  • Salary range/wage scale minimum and maximum mean
The data are also broken down by geographic region, type of institution, number of employees, and number of employees in the department.

Nominate Your Deserving TBR

The July 1, 2008, deadline is approaching to nominate an outstanding Technician Branch Representative (TBR) for the AALAS TBR Recognition Award. The award consists of a complimentary AALAS National Meeting registration, a complimentary hotel room, plus an additional $150 in travel funds and reimbursement of airfare up to $500. Nominations are accepted from any AALAS branch member, a member of the AALAS branch’s board of directors, or the district’s CTAD representative.

If you have a TBR in your branch who you feel has exhibited exemplary job performance, please nominate him or her online at http://www.aalas.org/resources/tbr_award_nomination_form.aspx.

To be eligible, TBRs must:
  • Be actively involved in local AALAS branch activities (attend branch meetings, place articles in branch newsletter, etc.)
  • Participate in the TBR network (maintain regular contact with other TBRs and with district CTAD rep)
  • Participate in CTAD activities at all levels (promote Tech Week within their branch, volunteer at CTAD booth at National Meeting, participate in CTAD events at National Meeting, etc.)
  • Submit letters of recommendation
  • Demonstrate financial need
Technician Branch Representatives (TBRs) are a vital part of the Committee on Technician Awareness and Development (CTAD). TBRs share technicians’ activities, ideas, and suggestions; help technicians promote biomedical research on a local and regional basis; provide technicians with professional opportunities and strategies; encourage them to participate in AALAS at a local and national level; and request technicians’ articles for AALAS publications.

In short, they provide a valuable connection between national AALAS and technicians in the field. For additional information about this award program, please send email to Lisa Evans at lisa.evans@aalas.org or contact the AALAS national office at (901) 754-8620.

Regulatory Flash Now Available

Now there is a study tool to help you learn the material in the regulatory mandates. Regulatory Flash is a new study aid with short answer and true/false questions. It is designed to help you review the regulatory mandates included in the reference lists, which are required reading for any of the AALAS technician certification exams.

Regulatory Flash may be ordered from the AALAS Bookstore at www.aalas.org. The cost is $15 for members and $22 for nonmembers.

BOT Meeting Notice

The AALAS Board of Trustees Summer Business Session will be held June 20 and 22 in Memphis, Tennessee. Members are encouraged to contact their district trustees if they have any issues they want addressed. Board meetings, except for closed sessions, are open to AALAS members. AALAS does not reimburse expenses for attending the meeting.

2008 AALAS Election

Official ballots for the 2008 AALAS election were mailed in early June. As an AALAS member, you are eligible to vote for one vice president-elect candidate and one trustee and/or alternate trustee candidate from within your district. Please note that your district is determined by the address to which your ballot is mailed.

This is your opportunity to select a vice president-elect to serve as 2011 AALAS president and to decide who will represent your district for the next three years. Trustee and alternate trustee terms begin at the close of the 2008 National Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, and end at the close of the 2011 National Meeting in San Diego, CA.

The official ballot and the AALAS website include the names of all eligible candidates for each position, their position statement, photo, and background/credential information. View background information at www.aalas.org/association/ballot_info.asp (must be logged in to view).

2008 Candidates

Vice President-Elect
  • Robert C. Dysko, DVM
  • Ann Marie Dinkel, BS, MBA, RLATG
District 1 Trustee
  • Scott A. Mischler, DVM, PhD
  • Marie A. Ortega, BA, RLATG
  • Laura A. Conour, DVM
District 2 Trustee
  • Raymond Butler, RLATG
  • Deyanira I. Santiago, BS, RLATG
District 4 Trustee
  • Christopher S. King, DVM
  • Chandra D. Williams, BS, DVM
  • Thomas S. Golding, DVM
District 4 Alternate Trustee
  • Steven D. Blevins, BS, RLATG
District 5 Alternate Trustee
  • Verda A. Davis
  • Christina Kobs, BS, RLATG
  • Theodore W. Sanders, Jr., DVM
District 6 Trustee
  • Maria Lang, AA, RLATG
  • Terrie L. Grove
District 6 Alternate Trustee
  • no candidate
District 7 Trustee
  • George W. Lantrip, MS, RLATG
  • Brian E. Gillman, RLATG

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Founding Father Robert J. Flynn (1923-2008)

AALAS founding father Robert James Flynn, 85, passed away on March 11, 2008, at his home in Lake Forest, IL. Dr. Flynn, along with Drs. Nathan Brewer, Elihu Bond, and Bennett Cohen founded in 1948 the Animal Care Panel, the precursor to AALAS.

Dr. Flynn earned his doctor of veterinary degree from Michigan State University in 1944 at the age of 21. He served as assistant state veterinarian from 1944 to 1957 and Lake County veterinarian from 1957 to 1984. Concurrently, he was the veterinarian for the Argonne National Laboratory, where he served as director of the animal facilities and conducted research on the care and disease of laboratory animals, aging, viral carcinogenesis and environmental impacts. One of his many published works was “Parasites of Laboratory Animals” by Iowa State University Press.

Dr. Flynn was the 1968 recipient of AALAS’ Charles Griffin Award, the oldest and most prestigious AALAS award. He was also the first recipient of the Robert J. Flynn Award in 1969. This award recognizes outstanding contributions to laboratory animal science. Dr. Flynn was also a member of the National Research Council and the National Academy of Science.

Dr. Flynn was the husband of Doris J. Flynn; father of Robert J. Flynn, Jr., James R. Flynn, Susan J. Flynn, Nancy J. (James A.) Masters, Betty J. (James F.) Walker, and the late Jean B. Flynn; grandfather of four; and brother of Rosemary Perveiler and Patricia Pindiak.

Courtesy of the Lake Forester and the Chicago Tribune

AAALAC Appoints Chris Newcomer Executive Director

AAALAC International has appointed AALAS President Christian E. Newcomer, V.M.D., Dip ACLAM, as its new Executive Director. In this position, Dr. Newcomer will serve as the Chief Executive Officer of AAALAC International, headquartered in Frederick, Maryland.

He will oversee the administration of AAALAC’s three offices; supervise fiscal and personnel management for the association; provide oversight of AAALAC’s Accreditation, Program Status Evaluation and Education & Outreach programs; and serve as AAALAC International’s spokesperson.

Dr. Newcomer will assume his duties on June 1. He succeeds Dr. John G. Miller who is retiring June 30 after serving as AAALAC’s Executive Director since 1996.

Monday, April 28, 2008


The Certification and Registry Board Committee (CRB) met April 11-12 for their annual midyear meeting at the AALAS national office in Memphis. In addition to their usual certification business (audits, reviewing references, discussions on requirements, etc.) the CRB also held a standard setting study (cut-score analysis) with the help of AALAS' testing vendor Prometric.

Construction at the AALAS Office

AALAS is in the middle of the construction phase of adding another 6,000 square feet to its existing 11,500 square-foot office. The added space will accommodate current and future growth projections for the organization.

Friday, April 4, 2008

AALAS Exhibits at NSTA

AALAS and the AALAS Foundation recently exhibited at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) annual meeting and trade show in Boston, Massachusetts. This year's meeting attracted nearly 14,000 educators and attendees from across the United States and several international countries.

According to the AALAS Member Relations and Marketing Director John McCutchen: “AALAS distributed over 250 teacher/advisor packets to attendees from 41 states, Puerto Rico, and 7 international countries who visited us at the AALAS exhibit.”

Assisting McCutchen with the AALAS display at the meeting were Dr. Scott Perkins, Vice President of the AALAS Board of Trustees; Ms. Ms Marie Ortega, the AALAS District 1 Alternate Trustee; and Dr. Dr Alan Dittrich, the President of the Massachusetts Society for Medical Research.

The NSTA meeting and show is one of the many education and public outreach events AALAS and the AALAS Foundation exhibit at on an annual basis to promote awareness and career opportunities in laboratory animal science.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You Don't Have to Wait Between Certification Exams

It is a common misconception that you must wait a full year after taking a technician certification exam before progressing to the next level. This is not the case. Each level of the exam has several different requirement combinations for education and work experience, and applicants must only meet one of the requirements at the level they are applying for.

Remember, you are not required to wait between exams—you can apply for an exam whenever you meet any one of the requirement combinations. Simply pick the eligibility requirement that best meets your needs and submit your application for the exam. You may find a complete list of requirements for all three exam levels at www.aalas.org under Technician Certification.

Foundation Seeking Auctions Items for National Meeting

If you would like to donate an item for the AALAS Foundation silent and/or live auctions at this year’s National Meeting in Indianapolis, please send a brief description of the item, approximate value, and contributor contact info to April Turner at april.turner@aalas.org or by fax at (901) 334-5152.

Donations must be received in the AALAS national office by October 10, 2008, in order to be shipped to Indianapolis. You may also bring your item to the Foundation Booth in the Indianapolis Convention Center.

Contributors who inform the national office by September 1, 2008, of their intended auction donation will be recognized in the National Meeting Final Program.

BOT Meeting Notice

The AALAS Board of Trustees Summer Business Session will be held June 20 and 22 in Memphis, Tennessee. Members are encouraged to contact their district trustees if they have any issues they want addressed. Board meetings, except for closed sessions, are open to AALAS members. AALAS does not reimburse expenses for attending the meeting.

Free Brochure on Dealing with Grief

The Cost of Caring: Recognizing Human Emotions in the Care of Laboratory Animals brochure assists all members of the research team in providing suggestions and resources for managing human emotions in the care of laboratory animals.

The brochure describes some of the emotions that may be felt by staff members, discusses ways staff members may express grief, and provides suggestions for coping strategies that may be helpful in dealing with the grief.

This PDF brochure is available from the Free Downloads section of the AALAS website: www.aalas.org/bookstore/downloads.asp.

Nobel Prize Winner to Speak at AALAS National Meeting

AALAS is pleased to announce that Nobel Prize-winning scientist Oliver Smithies will serve as keynote speaker for the National Meeting in Indianapolis. On October 8, 2007, Smithies was announced as co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Mario Capecchi of the University of Utah and Martin Evans of Cardiff University for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

AALAS National Meeting Topic Submissions Due March 15

The deadline for AALAS National Meeting topic submissions is March 15. You may view the requirements on the National Meeting website at http://nationalmeeting.aalas.org/callforabs.asp.

All topic submissions--Seminars, Special Topic Lectures, Panel Discussions (formerly Round Table Discussions), Workshops, Technical Trade Presentations--can be submitted through AALAS Abstract Central at http://aalas.abstractcentral.com/.

If you need assistance with the site, please contact Betty Cartwright (betty.cartwright@aalas.org), Carolyn Simonton (carolyn.simonton@aalas.org), or John Farrar (john.farrar@aalas.org).

Monday, February 11, 2008

Compensation Survey Deadline Extended to March 1

AALAS' 2008 Laboratory Animal Facility Compensation Survey has been extended to March 1.

This survey provides valuable data for AALAS members on 12 positions in the laboratory animal facility. Your institution can still participate. Participants receive a discount when purchasing the survey and an individualized comparison report . The survey can be completed online or faxed or mailed back to the survey company. If you are interested in submitting compensation data for your institution, please contact Pam Grabeel at AALAS for information at info@aalas.org.

Friday, February 8, 2008

India Celebrates International Tech Week

Dr. K. B. Patel of Zydus Research Center in Ahmedabad, India, provided these photos of India's first International Tech Week celebration. Dr. Patel said there was involvement from top management, and the "animal care people were very happy to have this type of celebration, recognition, and some new learning, too."

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Annual Gala Event of the NEBAALAS

AALAS President Chris Newcomer (left) recounts that "Twenty years ago, as a young director, I successfully recruited Ms. Hant-Yut Chin ("Sam") Wong to work as an animal technician at Tufts University. She was awarded the Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician /Cagewasher Award, a honor she highly deserved for decades of inexhaustible dedication, perfect execution on the job, and an ever-sunny demeanor.

"Sam is shown bracketed by her first and current (Scott Perkins) directors and the 2008 and 2009 AALAS Presidents. I personally find there are few moments in my professional life that bring as much joy as this. I have often reminded my staff that in our line of service, in order to be considered competent, we need to deliver better animal care services and research assistance on our worst day, than our clients would deliver for themselves on their best day. Sam was the kind of employee that reliably and commendably met that standard, and in terms of my own career development (and achievements) it's fair to say that Sam, and other talented and dedicated folks like her, held the ladder so I could do the climbing."

Thursday, January 31, 2008

AALAS Awards Nomination Deadline: May 1

AALAS is accepting nominations for the prestigious AALAS awards, which are presented at the Opening General Session at the National Meeting. Nominees for all AALAS awards, other than the Nathan R. Brewer Scientific Award, must be national members of AALAS.

Each of the awards, excluding the AALAS Technician Publication Award and Poster Awards, requires a complete nomination packet. Inaccurate information may result in disqualification of the nominee. Please help the Awards Selection Committee evaluate your nominee properly by sending your nomination packets to the AALAS office by May 1. For nomination information, please visit www.aalas.org/association/awards.aspx.

Leadership Opportunities Available

Trustee, and alternate trustee nomination deadlines are fast approaching. April 15 is the deadline to submit to the AALAS office nominating petitions to run for vice president-elect, district trustee or alternate trustee. Three-year terms commence at the close of the AALAS 2008 National Meeting in Indianapolis.

To be placed on the ballot, candidates must meet the eligibility requirements. Vice president-elect candidates must submit nominating petitions with the signatures of at least 200 AALAS national members. District or alternate trustee candidates must submit nominating petitions with the signatures of at least 25 current AALAS national members from within their district. Fax completed petitions to the national office at 901-753-0046 or email scanned petitions to Amy Sauls (amy.sauls@aalas.org).

Eligibility information, a list of open positions, and a link to download the vice president-elect candidate packet or the trustee/alternate nominating petition can be found on the AALAS site. Log in, and then choose "Leadership" from the Association menu. Under related links, click "Leadership Nomination Information."

AALAS Learning Library Adds Additional Courses

LATG Courses
New LATG courses are now available on the AALAS Learning Library (ALL), which correspond with the 2007 revision of the LATG Training Manual. Because new questions based on the revised manual will be on the LATG certification exam starting in May, individuals who expect to take the exam before May 2008 can continue studying from the 2000 LATG Training Manual. Therefore, the 2000 course versions will be available until April. To avoid confusion, each version of the courses incorporates the date of the manual it is based on.

The Semiannual Facility Inspection
Developed by Martha Rooks, PhD, chair of the Online Learning Committee, this media-rich course offers a short scenario of a typical semiannual facility inspection. It may be used as an orientation or a refresher for personnel involved in IACUC inspections. Video clips show the process of an inspection where common issues are identified and a follow-up meeting in which these issues are addressed. The course summarizes the responsibilities of researchers and IACUC members in animal care and use programs, and specifically in a facility inspection. The course also offers a succinct description of basic information related to animal protocols, such as recognizing animal pain or distress and addressing the alternatives in a literature search. Streaming audio and video narrate the entire course.

Dog Biomethodology Courses
Anyone involved with the care and use of dogs in research will benefit from this suite of courses. The following courses provide comprehensive instruction regarding regulatory requirements, routine care, and common research procedures:
  • The Basics
  • Venous Catheterization
  • Injections and Blood Collection
  • Urinary Catheterization
  • Endotracheal Intubation
For a free trial or to sign up your institution to begin training on the ALL, please visit www.aalaslearninglibrary.org.

Regulatory Flash Cards in the Works

Technicians who have successfully used the AALAS in a Flash study aid for the training manuals will enjoy the latest educational product, the AALAS Regulatory Flash. This resource, which will be available in late spring from the AALAS Bookstore, will have a total of 300 questions and answers, covering each of the regulatory mandates from the reference lists at each certification level.

  • Animal Welfare Regulations
  • Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
  • Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
  • Good Laboratory Practices for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies
  • AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia
  • Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
  • Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals
  • Cost Analysis and Rate Setting Manual for Animal Research Facilities
The upcoming AALAS Regulatory Flash will give certification candidates a leg up on preparing for a certification exam. Many thanks to the Educational Resources Committee for helping to develop this new resource!

AALAS Signs with Ingenta To Disseminate Journal Content

AALAS has contracted with IngentaConnect to provide a host of new services for Comparative Medicine and JAALAS. IngentaConnect will create a custom-built web site for each title that will link from the AALAS site. These mini “sites” will retain the design of the AALAS site, and users will experience a seamless transition from the AALAS home page to the journal content.

The Ingenta sites will offer users an improved search functionality, as well as linked references to other papers. The current practice of allowing open access of articles older than six months will remain in effect. The Comparative Medicine and JAALAS sites are on track to launch this spring with the current issues and the 2006–2007 back issues. To access content before 2006, users will search the current article database, which will be converted to the Ingenta system format over a period of years.

In addition, the AALAS journals will be accessible to the more than 19 million users and 25,000 registered libraries and institutions that log on to Ingenta each month.

Monday, January 28, 2008

AAALAC Award Goes to Julia Granowski

Julia Granowski, AA, CVT, RLATG was selected as the 2008 U.S. recipient of the AAALAC International Technician Fellowship.

Julia is Facility Manager/Supervisor for the National Jewish Medical & Research Center in Colorado, where she is responsible for the physical plant and coordinating investigator projects, as well as assisting in budgetary and hiring decisions. She is active in the Mile High AALAS Branch and has served as president, vice president, and board member.

She earned a degree in Animal Technology from Colorado Springs Mountain College and received her RLATG designation in September 2001.

As part of the Fellowship, Granowski will participate in a week-long education internship in an animal care and use program in the United Kingdom. This will be followed by attendance at the IAT Congress.

The award is presented by AAALAC International through a grant by Priority One Services, Inc., and in cooperation with the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, the Institute of Animal Technology, the Medical Research Counsel, and the National Institutes of Health.

Chips May Replace Rats

According to a CNN article, mice and rats may be replaced by chips one day. The article reports scientists are experimenting with a chip that "...looks like a standard microscope slide, but it holds hundreds of tiny white dots loaded with human cell cultures and enzymes. It's designed to mimic human reactions to potentially toxic chemical compounds,..."

Former AALAS president and now senior science adviser to the National Association for Biomedical Research, Dr. Taylor Bennett, is quoted in the article.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tech Week Almost Here

Join AALAS in recognizing all technicians as "Heroes Behind the Science" during International Laboratory Animal Technician Week (January 27-February 2). For more details and ordering information, click here.

Topic Submissions Due March 15

The deadline for AALAS National Meeting topic submissions is March 15, 2008, while the deadline for abstract submissions has been pushed back to June 1. You may view the requirements for submitting abstracts and proposing educational session topics on the National Meeting website at nationalmeeting.aalas.org/callforabs.asp.

Abstract and topic submission for this year's National Meeting will again be handled through the Abstract Central submission site, aalas.abstractcentral.com.This browser-based system offers many benefits, including fast, easy online submission and unlimited technical support.

If you choose to submit a topic, please note that you must include the title, brief description, and names and contact information for any suggested panelists, speakers, or leader. Once the submission undergoes review and acceptance, any substitution or addition of speakers must be approved by the Program Committee.

If you choose to submit an abstract, please follow the guidelines and provide complete information. This will greatly assist the Program Committee in their review process and enable the correct assignment of your abstract to the appropriate program session.

National Meeting Exhibitor Prospectus Online

The priority point application deadline is February 4, so now is the time to begin thinking about exhibiting at the 2008 National Meeting.

In the Exhibitor Prospectus, you'll find diagrams of the hall, specs, prices, sponsorship opportunities, and application forms. For additional information about exhibiting at the AALAS National Meeting, please email Christy Miller.