Friday, February 23, 2007

AALAS accepting nominations for Trustees

The Nominations Committee invites AALAS members to submit nominations for the following open positions to be filled during the summer 2007 election for 2008-2010 terms. Responsibilities for all positions commence at the close of the National Meeting in Charlotte.

District 1 – Trustee & Alternate Trustee
District 2 – Alternate Trustee
District 3 – Trustee
District 5 – Trustee
District 6 – Trustee
District 7 – Trustee
District 8 – Trustee & Alternate Trustee

To submit a nomination, go to the AALAS website, log in with your username and password, and access the file circled in red ("Leadership Nomination Information"). Nominating Petitions must be submitted to the AALAS office no later than April 13, 2007.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

District 5 Annual Meeting

The Northern Ohio Branch of AALAS has put together a meeting of getting back to the basics for technicians. This year’s meeting is being held May 2-4th at the Bertram Inn and Conference Center. The meeting will be featuring Technician Based Lectures, Wet Labs, Posters, Vendor Exhibits, and as always “Rockin’ into Research” social events.

For more information, visit here.

Test your knowledge of animal group names

What is a group of gorillas called?
What is a group of ants called?
What is a group of warthogs called?
What is a group of bats called?

Everyone knows that a group of fish is a school and a bunch of geese is a gaggle. But did you know that a group of squirrels is a dray and a bunch of badgers is a cete?

Test your knowledge here.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

National Meeting Update

Abstract and topic submission is site is now open at The submission deadline is March 15. For information about the types of presentations and how to submit, view the Call for Abstracts and Topic Submissions at

Bruce Kennedy and the Program Committee have introduced the Oncology Forum. Those with backgrounds and expertise in research, clinical care, and husbandry of animal models of oncology are especially encouraged to submit.

Prospective exhibitors can access the Exhibitor Prospectus at It includes all the regulations, booth specs and pricing, sponsorship opportunities, and application forms.

Audio recordings and webinars from the 2006 meeting in Salt Lake City are still available. View the webinars at, and purchase audio recordings at

RSS Feed Now Available for JAALAS

JAALAS now has a RSS feed link available on the AALAS website. The link is located in the Quick Links section underneath the member login. RSS is a family of web feed formats used to distribute frequently updated content to users who subscribe to the feed. To subscribe to the JAALAS feed you must download a feed reader or aggregator to your computer. Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers allow you to receive feeds through the Live Bookmarks function. There are numerous free aggregator programs available.

Once you have a feed reader program you can subscribe to the JAALAS feed by simply clicking on the link. The steps to subscribing will vary depending on the type of reader program you are using, but all are simple and straightforward. Once you have subscribed to the feed you will be automatically notified every time new JAALAS content is uploaded to An RSS feed for Comparative Medicine will be created starting with the February 2007 issue.