Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bring the AREA Program to Your Neighborhood

Each year, AALAS conducts the Animal Research Education & Awareness (AREA) Program at the National Meeting to inform high school science students about the importance of quality laboratory animal care and research. This enlightening and engaging program, which receives rave reviews from educators, provides students with the unique opportunity to interact with laboratory animal science professionals and learn how biomedical research is advancing human and animal health. With the help of Pfizer, the AALAS Foundation now offers complimentary resources to help your branch conduct an AREA Program at your next branch or district meeting.

Conducting an AREA Program is a great way to advance students’ understanding, respect, and support for laboratory animal science. It’s also a fun way to make an impact on the lives of young people interested in science and medicine. The online AREA Program Guide ( contains complete instructions on how to conduct this tried-and-true program. The guide includes everything you need to make this an easy and rewarding experience for your branch members and AREA participants. In addition to the step-by-step guide, AALAS also offers free AREA Program backpacks, notebooks, pens, and Foundation outreach materials.

Most branch AREA expenditures are limited to lunch for program participants, printing costs, and meeting room expenses, though some go the extra mile and reimburse schools for transportation expenses related to the event. Some branches recruit sponsors to cover these expenses. Two other potential funding sources for your program are the Ben Cohen Branch Education Fund and the Pfizer Branch AREA Program Fund. The Cohen Branch Education Fund supports qualified educational programs offered by AALAS branches. In order to qualify for funding, branches must meet the branch compliance criteria and submit a complete application, including all supplemental documents. (Retroactive funding is not available). A limited number of AREA Program grants are also available through the Pfizer Branch AREA Program Fund. For information on how your branch can apply for these grants, please contact AALAS Foundation Administrator Mike Mathy at