February 1 is the deadline to submit vice president-elect nominations. Candidate packets and instructions are available on the AALAS website in the leadership section. Candidates must meet the AALAS bylaws requirements and be able to fulfill the job responsibilities and travel commitments as outlined in Section 4-8:
- Be an AALAS national membership in good standing for the past 5 consecutive years.
- Have participated on either a national AALAS committee in the past 5 years, served as an officer or board member for an affiliate organization during the past 5 years, or served as chair on an AALAS national committee or on the AALAS BOT within the past 8 years.
- Be able to make a 4-year commitment to leadership.
- Vice president-elect is the first year of a four-year commitment, followed by vice president, president, and past president.
April 1, 2011, is the deadline to submit nominating petitions to run for open trustee and alternate trustee positions. Additional information and criteria to be eligible to run can be found here (you'll have to log into the AALAS website).
Make sure you can vote online in 2011 by ensuring that your AALAS national membership is current and that AALAS has a valid, unique email address for you. To be eligible to vote, your membership must be active by April 1. To check your status and renewal date, log in to the AALAS website or call the AALAS office at 901-754-8620.