Competing Interests Policy for AALAS Journals pp. 248-248(1)
Authors: Toth, Linda A.; Compton, Susan R.; Tolwani, Ravi
Competing Interests Policy for AALAS Journals pp. 249-250(2)
Authors: Hankenson, F Claire; Silverman, Jerald; Dysko, Bob C.; Thomas, Sally A.; Benner, Deborah
Effects of Fenbendazole on the Murine Humoral Immune System pp. 251-257(7)
Authors: Landin, Ana Marie; Frasca, Daniela; Zaias, Julia; Van der Put, Elaine; Riley, Richard L.; Altman, Norman H.; Blomberg, Bonnie B.
Revisiting Influences on Tumor Development Focusing on Laboratory Housing pp. 258-262(5)
Authors: Alessio, Helaine M.; Schweitzer, Natalie B.; Snedden, Angela M.; Callahan, Phyllis; Hagerman, Ann E.
A PCR-Based Strategy for Detection of Mouse Parvovirus pp. 263-267(5)
Authors: Macy, James D.; Paturzo, Frank X.; Ball-Goodrich, Lisa J.; Compton, Susan R.
Refinement of Telemetry for Measuring Blood Pressure in Conscious Rats pp. 268-271(4)
Authors: Braga, Valdir A.; Prabhakar, Nanduri R.
Changes in Blood Parameters and Coagulation-Related Gene Expression in Pregnant Rats pp. 272-278(7)
Authors: Urasoko, Yoshinaka; He, Xi Jun; Ebata, Tomonori; Kinoshita, Yuichi; Kobayashi, Junichi; Mochizuki, Masahiro; Ikeya, Masamichi
Comparison of Side Effects between Buprenorphine and Meloxicam Used Postoperatively in Dutch Belted Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) pp. 279-285(7)
Authors: Cooper, Coreen S.; Metcalf-Pate, Kelly A.; Barat, Christopher E.; Cook, Judith A.; Scorpio, Diana G.
The Effects of Age and Sex on Interest toward Movies of Conspecifics in Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata) pp. 286-291(6)
Authors: Tsuchida, Junko; Izumi, Akihiro
Use of Food Wafers for Multiple Daily Oral Treatments in Young Rats pp. 292-295(4)
Authors: Ferguson, Sherry A.; Boctor, Sherin Y.
Urethral Obstruction by Seminal Coagulum is Associated with Medetomidine-Ketamine Anesthesia in Male Mice on C57BL/6J and Mixed Genetic Backgrounds pp. 296-299(4)
Authors: Wells, Sara; Trower, Chris; Hough, Tertius A.; Stewart, Michelle; Cheeseman, Michael T.
The 'Mill-Wheel' Murmur and Computed Tomography of Intracardiac Air Emboli pp. 300-302(3)
Authors: Rubal, Bernard J.; Leon, Alisa; Meyers, Belinda L.; Bell, Christopher M.
Multisystemic Eosinophilia Resembling Hypereosinophilic Syndrome in a Colony-Bred Owl Monkey (Aotus vociferans) pp. 303-306(4)
Authors: Gozalo, Alfonso S.; Rosenberg, Helene F.; Elkins, William R.; Montoya, Enrique J.; Weller, Richard E.
Tacrolimus Ointment: a Novel and Effective Topical Treatment of Localized Atopic Dermatitis in a Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) pp. 307-311(5)
Authors: Torreilles, Stéphanie L.; Luong, Richard H.; Felt, Stephen A.; McClure, Diane E.
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