Thursday, February 26, 2009

2009 National Meeting Topic Deadline Approaching

On behalf of program chair Dr. Stuart Leland and AALAS president Dr. Scott Perkins, the 2009 National Meeting Program Committee would like to encourage you to submit proposals for abstracts, seminars, special topic lectures, panel discussions, technical trade presentations, and workshops for the 2009 meeting in Denver.

Please review the call for abstracts for complete requirements for submitting abstracts and educational session topics. The deadline for topic submissions is March 15, 2009, and the deadline for abstract (posters and platforms) submissions is June 1. Submissions are processed online at Abstract Central.

Diabetes research is this year's spotlight forum. Those of you with backgrounds and expertise in diabetes research or the clinical care of animal models in diabetes research are especially encouraged to submit.

Topic submissions should be designed specifically for one of the following formats: 2-hour, 45-minute seminar, 1.5-hour panel discussion, 1-hour special topic lecture, 4-hour workshop, or 20-minute technical trade presentation. If you choose to submit a topic, please note that you must include the title, brief description, and names and contact information for any suggested panelists, speakers, or leader. Once the submission undergoes review and acceptance, any substitution or addition of speakers must be approved by the Program Committee.

Abstract submissions will be considered for either a platform or poster presentation format. Platform presentations are typically 10-15 minutes in length and are grouped together by general category. If you choose to submit an abstract, please follow the guidelines and provide complete information. This will greatly assist the Program Committee in their review process and enable the correct assignment of your abstract to the appropriate program session.

National Meeting Exhibitor Prospectus Online

Although the priority point deadline has now passed, AALAS continues to accept applications for exhibit hall booth space. Visit the National Meeting website to view diagrams of the hall, specs, prices, sponsorship opportunities, and application forms. For additional information about exhibiting at the AALAS National Meeting, please contact Christy Miller.

6th Annual Lab Products Animal Technician Award

Lab Products' 6th Annual Lab Products Animal Technician Award Program is intended to reward a deserving animal care technician from each of the eight AALAS Districts and Canada with the opportunity to attend their first AALAS National Meeting.

The award will be limited to animal care personnel with at least one year of laboratory animal care experience and who has never attended an AALAS National Meeting. Recipients of the Lab Products Animal Technician Award will each receive an award recognition plaque; airfare, hotel and registration for the National AALAS Meeting; one year membership to National AALAS; and $350 to cover incidentals while attending the AALAS Meeting.

Award Benefits (participation, recognition, public speaking, and decision making).
  • Allow a deserving animal care worker from each of the 8 AALAS Districts and Canada to attend a National AALAS Meeting for the first time.
  • Publicly recognize the recipient at a social function of the AALAS membership.
  • Encourage the recipient to speak at a Branch Meeting on their experiences at AALAS, thereby allowing them to gain experience in public speaking and to promote the AALAS experience to other technicians.
  • The recipient will serve as a member of the Award Selection Committee for the next year. This will allow them the experience and involvement in a decision making process that will affect their peers.
Award Selection Criteria
  • Nominee must have a minimum of 1 years work experience in a laboratory animal facility.
  • Nominee must be a working supervisor, animal care worker or animal health technician. (Managers, Assistant Directors, etc. are not eligible).
  • The nominee must be someone that actually performs hands on animal care work or works in the cage wash area.
  • The nominee must be someone that would not be eligible for travel funds (from the University, Institution or Company) to attend a National AALAS meeting.
  • This award is intended to provide deserving animal care technicians with the opportunity to attend their first National AALAS Meeting. Therefore, only nominees that have never attended a National AALAS Meeting will be eligible.
Nomination Process

Nominations should be submitted by letter, detailing the Technicians' work history, accomplishments, community involvement, and describing how this travel award will benefit the technician and their facility. AALAS/CALAS Branch membership, and involvement in branch AALAS/CALAS activities, will be considered in the award selection.

1) Supporting letters are encouraged and will be considered, but are not required.

2) Send nominations to:
Attn: Awards Selection Committee
Lab Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 639,
Seaford, DE 19973
Fax 302-628-4309

3) Award recipients will be notified by August 1, 2009.

Nominations must be received by June 16, 2009.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

AALAS Is Accepting Nominations for Trustees and Alternate Trustees

The Nominations Committee invites AALAS members to submit nominations for the following open positions to be filled during the summer 2009 election for 2010-2012 terms. Responsibilities for all positions commence at the close of the National Meeting in Denver.
  • District 2: trustee and alternate trustee
  • District 3: trustee and alternate trustee
  • District 4: trustee
  • District 5: trustee
  • District 7: alternate trustee
  • District 8: trustee
Candidates must meet the eligibility requirements, submit the appropriate forms no later than the published deadline, and commit to attend the AALAS National Meetings, including the Board of Trustees Annual Session on Friday preceding the Sunday opening, and up to two additional BOT sessions during each year of their term.

Eligibility Requirements
  1. AALAS national membership in good standing for the past five consecutive years.
  2. Have served in branch leadership and/or on a district, regional, or national committee during the past five years.
  3. Make a three-year commitment to leadership (the trustee position is a three-year term).
  4. Reside in district of representation as designated by the voting contact address.
Nominating petitions must be submitted to the AALAS office no later than April 15, 2008. Candidates must provide at least 25 valid national AALAS member signatures from within their district. Visit the AALAS website today for the applicable forms and additional information.

Learning Library Introduces Custom Course Option

As of March 1, 2009, institutional and commercial groups with active accounts on the AALAS Learning Library will be able to take advantage of a great service: the custom course hosting option. The option to create up to 5 customized courses for your group will now be included with your fee for your group accounts.

The custom course hosting option allows you to either create new courses or adapt courses on regulatory mandates from a list of AALAS Learning Library courses. You can edit pages, add or delete pages or lessons, change images, and edit questions using our authoring utility. This allows you to add information about policies or procedures that may be specific to your institution and make the course a more valuable learning tool for your group.

This service is available to all institutional groups who purchase accounts on the AALAS Learning Library. The new pricing for the custom course hosting is as follows:
  • 1-5 custom courses: No additional charge
  • 6-15 custom courses: $500 for AALAS institutional or commercial members/$1000 nonmembers
  • 16-50 custom courses: $1000 for AALAS institutional or commercial members/$1500 nonmembers
To take advantage of this option, the group coordinator can select the custom courses option when you renew. If you already have an active subscription for your group, the group coordinator can log in and select the option under Purchase for Data Services and then select Purchase Data Services.

The group coordinator can log in and select the option under Purchase for Data Services and then select Purchase Data Services. (The purchase of custom courses in the range of 1-5 courses costs $0.) If you have any questions about this new option, please contact

Reminder to Complete Member Survey

If you haven't already completed the survey on the governance of AALAS and factors that affect member participation in the election of the AALAS officers and Board of Trustees, please take a few minutes and do so. The survey is short and designed to take no longer than 7 minutes. It will be available until February 17th. To access the survey, please click here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009