The AALAS National Meeting is less than three weeks away! Please take note of the following items as you plan to travel to Indianapolis. And, don't forget to visit the National Meeting
website for information about the programs, speakers, and events that will take place.
Itinerary Planner AvailableThrough the online submission site for abstracts and topics (Abstract Central), meeting attendees can now plan their itineraries
online. To start, just click on the Open/Create Itinerary link on the left, or click Browse to view the schedule. If you have created an itinerary you can browse sessions by day or type and then began planning your day.
New Indianapolis Airport OpeningA new Indianapolis airport terminal will open November 11. National Meeting attendees arriving and departing after this date will do so at the new terminal. For additional information about the airport, please click
Shuttle CouponSave $2 when you present this
coupon on the Green Line Downtown/Airport Express (full fare is $7).