The AALAS Nominations Committee invites members to submit nominations for the following positions to be filled during the summer 2008 election for terms 2009–2011. Responsibilities commence at the close of the National Meeting in Indianapolis.
- Vice president-elect
- District 1 trustee
- District 2 trustee
- District 4 trustee and alternate trustee
- District 5 alternate trustee
- District 6 trustee and alternate trustee
- District 7 trustee
To run for vice president-elect, you must submit the required materials no later than February 1, 2008. The candidate packet and information regarding eligibility and job responsibilities for this position are located at After you go to this page, log in and then click on the "Leadership Nomination Information" link on the left.
Another option is to run for either trustee or alternate trustee in your district. Your district is determined by the address to which your publications and official ballot are mailed. To be eligible, you must be a national member in good standing for the past five years; have served in branch leadership and/or on a district, regional, or national committee during the past five years; and be willing to make a three-year commitment to leadership. Visit the AALAS
website or contact the AALAS office for a copy of the signature petition. Gather signatures from at least 25 current AALAS national members within your district and submit the petitions to the AALAS office before April 15, 2008.