AALAS is an association of professionals that advances responsible laboratory animal care and use to benefit people and animals.
Monday, December 17, 2007
ACTE is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for successful careers.
Joining John McCutchen, AALAS's Director of Member Relations and Marketing at the AALAS booth was Dee Drye, a member of the AALAS Board of Trustees from District 8.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
AALAS Learning Library: Latest Courses
The AALAS Learning Library (www.aalaslearninglibrary.org) now has a complete set of courses corresponding with the new LATG Training Manual. As with the previous LATG courses, a course exists for every chapter of the manual (17 courses in all); there are three review exams and a final exam. Images are more numerous in the courses than in the printed manual. Also, for the first time, the LATG courses incorporate a streaming audio file for each page of every lesson. Now, you can choose to listen to or read the course, or both at the same time!
AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia
A new course on the ALL focuses on the new AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia (formerly known as the Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia). This course is applicable to all animal species used in research. With lessons on the basic concepts of euthanasia and the types of euthanasia agents (inhalants, noninhalant pharmaceuticals, and physical methods), the learner develops an understanding for the categorization of the methods of euthanasia (as acceptable, conditionally acceptable, and unacceptable).
AALAS Seeks New Leaders
- Vice president-elect
- District 1 trustee
- District 2 trustee
- District 4 trustee and alternate trustee
- District 5 alternate trustee
- District 6 trustee and alternate trustee
- District 7 trustee
Another option is to run for either trustee or alternate trustee in your district. Your district is determined by the address to which your publications and official ballot are mailed. To be eligible, you must be a national member in good standing for the past five years; have served in branch leadership and/or on a district, regional, or national committee during the past five years; and be willing to make a three-year commitment to leadership. Visit the AALAS website or contact the AALAS office for a copy of the signature petition. Gather signatures from at least 25 current AALAS national members within your district and submit the petitions to the AALAS office before April 15, 2008.
AALAS Seeks Participants for Compensation Survey
An email broadcast will be sent in January 2008 to all AALAS member institutional and commercial contact members with a link to the online survey form. Institutions and companies that participate will receive a discount when purchasing the survey; in addition, participants who purchase the survey will also receive a customized individual report comparing their institution’s salaries with the overall report.
Abstract Submissions Open January 1
All members will also be receiving an email with instuctions on how to submit. Past visitors to the site will not need to create new accounts to log in. Submissions for both topics and abstracts close on March 15, 2008.
2008 Tech Week Items Now Available
AALAS Bookstore Update
Total Pack for Technician Certification
The manual workbook helps you digest the content of the training manual, with questions on each chapter that you can use to focus your review of the manual’s content. Unit exams and a final exam in the workbook test your knowledge of each section of the manual. The resource kit contains all the reference materials from which your certification exam will draw questions. Acquiring a knowledge of these materials is important for succeeding in your exam, and so these important study items should not be overlooked. A Regulatory Workbook is included in the Total Pack to help you review these same reference materials through succinct summaries and practice questions.
You can still purchase each of these items separately, but the Total Pack puts all the resources you need at your fingertips and at a discount!
GLAS applications now online
Friday, November 2, 2007
ACLAM Accepting Proposals
- Letters of Intent Due: January 30, 2008.
- Invited Full Proposals Due: Thursday, April 3, 2008.
- Awards Announced: early July 2008.
http://aclam.org/foundation/rfp.html or contact:
Dr. Gregory P Boivin
Scientific Director, ACLAM Foundation
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 670529 Cincinnati, OH 45267-0529
Phone: 513-558-9156
E-Mail: boivingp@ucmail.uc.edu
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Buyer's Guide Updated
Monday, October 29, 2007
AALAS Foundation Recognized at FFA
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Careers Video Now Online
Friday, September 21, 2007
6th World Congress
- review progress made toward the 3Rs (Reduction, Refinement, Replacement) in education, research, and testing,
- develop a realistic understanding of the status of alternatives,
- create an understanding that in research, animal studies, together with clinical studies and in vitro methods, advance science,
- contribute to our basic understanding of biology and diseases, and
- encourage constructive discussions between animal protection groups and scientific communities.
AALAS presented a poster at
the meeting and set up an
informational booth for attendees
to learn more about AALAS' mission.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Linda Toth Receives CRL Award
Congratulations to Linda Toth of the Southern Illinois University (SIU) School of Medicine. She received the 2007 Charles River Laboratories’ Excellence in Refinement Award last month at the 6th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences in Tokyo.
Sponsored by Charles River Laboratories, in cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), the award honors an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the development, promotion and/or implementation of refinement alternatives. “Refinement,” one of the “3Rs of alternatives,” refers to methods aimed at minimizing pain and distress for laboratory animals.
Dr. Toth was chosen to receive this award for “a body of research that improves both the understanding and practice of refinement alternatives.” Trained in pharmacology and in veterinary medicine, she is Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Affairs at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Her exceptional ability to integrate scientific goals and animal care serves to enhance both the quality of research and the quality of life for laboratory animals.
FBR Appoints Paul McKellips to VP
McKellips, a media veteran has written, directed and produced five motion pictures and numerous television shows. Since moving to Washington in 2004 he has covered the Pentagon and State Department for television news and worked in Iraq for the past year as a public affairs specialist for the State Department’s Global Outreach Team. McKellips serves on the Board of Governors for the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Emmys) and is a member of the National Press Club.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
CDC 10th International Symposium on Biosafety
Keynote Address: "Safer Together - A Common Purpose Arises from Uncommon Diversity" by Caryl Griffin, President, Elizabeth R. Griffin Research Foundation
- Session One - Risk Assessment and Management
- Session Two - Worker Protection
- Session Three - Preparedness
- Session Four - Concurrent: A. Animal Issues, B. Clinical Issues, C. Industrial Hygiene/Biosafety Issues
- Session Five - Facility Design and Equipment
Monday, September 10, 2007
ACLAM Career Pathways Externship
Please note: the 2007 deadline for institutional application for the Veterinary Externship Program is September 28. Award announcements will be made by mid November 2007 to allow time for both institutions and student awardees to plan for the upcoming year. The Guidelines and Application forms may be found at http://www.aclam.org/education/pathways.html
For questions or additional information, please contact Pat Turner at pvturner@uoguelph.ca, or call (519) 824-4120 x54497. Completed applications should be sent to Stephanie Murphy murphyst@ohsu.edu.
Friday, August 31, 2007
New Edition of the LATG Training Manual Coming
The AALAS Educational Resources Committee (ERC) has extensively revised the LATG manual based on the LATG Job Analysis Survey completed in July 2005.
The LATG Training Manual is the first to be revised, replacing the 2000 edition. The ALAT Training Manual will be revised in 2008, and the LAT Training Manual will follow in 2009.
Monday, August 27, 2007
AALAS Adding Hotels for Charlotte Meeting
Please note that rooms on Friday, October 12, and Saturday, October 13, are no longer available.
Housing changes or cancellations must be faxed to the housing bureau (704-347-1158), not to the AALAS office. Please be sure to include your confirmation number along with the name and contact information for the reservation.
Friday, August 24, 2007
CompMed Listserve Commands
Send Email to: compmed@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: Your Text Here!
Desired Task: Help from a Human
Send Email to: compmed-request@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: Help! Your Text Here!
Desired Task: Welcome File
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: GET COMPMED WELCOME
Desired Task: Subscribe
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Desired Task: Unsubscribe
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SIGNOFF COMPMED
Desired Task: Turn Mail On
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SET COMPMED MAIL
Desired Task: Turn Mail Off
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SET COMPMED NOMAIL
Desired Task: Turn Digest On
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SET COMPMED DIGEST
Desired Task: Turn Digest Off
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SET COMPMED NODIGEST
Desired Task: Set Digest to MIME format
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SET COMPMED MIME
Desired Task: MIME Digest Off
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SET COMPMED NOMIME
Desired Task: FULL Message Headers
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SET COMPMED FULLHDR
Desired Task: SHORT Message Headers
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SET COMPMED SHORTHDR
Desired Task: Retrieve Settings
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: QUERY COMPMED
Desired Task: Get Archive List
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: INDEX COMPMED
Desired Task: Get Specific Monthly Archive
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: GET COMPMED LOGxxxxx
Desired Task: Search archives
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: SEARCH 'x' IN COMPMED
[x = word(s) in quotes]
Desired Task: Retrieve Specific Messages
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: GETPOST COMPMED Ref1 Ref2
[Ref(s) = message #'s]
Desired Task: Get List of All Commands
Send Email to: listserv@listserv.aalas.org
Command in Body of Email: GET LISTSERV REFCARD
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Taxonomy and Pronunciation of Bacteria
For proper pronunciation, go to http://www.kcom.edu/faculty/chamberlain/website/studio.htm
Thanks to Dr. Roger Orcutt for the links.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
USDA Seeking Comments on Animal Care Policy
After you go to the site, click on "All Documents Open for Public Comment"
- Step 1: Select what Documents to Search - check "Documents Accepting Comment"
- Step 2: Narrow your search by Federal Department or Agency* - Select "Department of Agriculture -ALL"
- Steps 3 and 4 - SKIP
- Click "Submit"
- Allow it to "process".
- Go to Page 2 and find: APHIS-2007-0110 / APHIS-2007-0110-0001 /Animal Care Policy Manual (Note: this page number will likely change with time.)
- If you click on "APHIS-2007-0110" it will bring you to links for the USDA Animal Care Manual and links to all submitted comments.
- If you click on "APHIS-2007-0110-0001" it will bring you to "Document Details" where you will find a link (icon) to "Add Comments". Please note that there is no active link associated with "How To Comment" (i.e., there are NO instructions.)
- Once you click on "Add Comments" icon, you arrive at a form for filling out your contact information followed by a field for entering your comments. Note, you also have the option of attaching a file document.
- Once you have completed the form, select "continue."
- This brings you to a page to review your entries.
- If you are satisfied, click on "Submit". If not, hit "Edit/Cancel".
Monday, August 20, 2007
Laboratory Animal Boards Study Group
Friday, August 10, 2007
Data Sheets on Biological Agents
Monday, August 6, 2007
AAALAC Technician Fellowship Award
The AAALAC International Technician Fellowship recognizes two outstanding technicians each year--one IAT Registered (RAnTech) technologist and one AALAS Registered (RALAT, RLAT, RLATG, or CMAR) technician--who have made (or have the potential to make) significant contributions to the field of laboratory animal care and use. The award is intended to promote and reward the efforts of technicians who have demonstrated a commitment to a career in laboratory animal science and have shown a strong interest in attaining additional education and training to become more proficient in their vocation.
This Fellowship is valued at more than $4,000. The U.S. winner will receive a week-long guest visit to a prestigious biomedical research facility in the U.K. this spring, plus complimentary attendance at the IAT Congress, the U.K.’s largest laboratory animal science and technology meeting (all registration, travel and lodging expenses are included, along with a daily allowance for meals and out-of-pocket expenses).
Nomination packages must include:
- Nominating letter (candidates may self-nominate)
- Current Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Up to three letters of support
- Written statement (up to 500 words) by the candidate describing why s/he should be selected for this award and how s/he will use the experience to benefit the greater laboratory animal science community
AAALAC International
c/o The International Technician Fellowship Selection Committee
5283 Corporate Drive, Suite 203
Frederick, MD 21703
FAX: +301.696.9627
EMAIL: accredit@aaalac.org
This award is presented by AAALAC International through a grant by Priority One Services, Inc. (POS) and in cooperation with AALAS, the Institute of Animal Technology (IAT), the Medical Research Counsel (MRC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Friday, August 3, 2007
OER Grants Web Site Redesign
- Grant Application Basics - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/grant_basics.htm
- Grants Process Overview - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/grants_process.htm
- Grants Process At-A-Glance - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/grants_process.htm#process
- Planning Your Application - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/planning_application.htm
- Writing Your Application - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/writing_application.htm
- How to Apply - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/how_to_apply.htm
- Tracking Your Application - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/tracking_application.htm
- Receipt and Referral - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/receipt_referral.htm
- Peer Review Process - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/peer_review_process.htm
- Award Management - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/managing_awards.htm
- Frequent Questions - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/frequent_questions.htm
- T Table - NRSA Training Grants Funding Opportunities - http://grants.nih.gov/training/T_Table.htm
- F Files - NRSA Fellowship Funding Opportunities - http://grants.nih.gov/training/F_files_nrsa.htm
- Submitting Your Application - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/submitapplication.htm
- Glossary & Acronyms - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/glossary.htm
- Frequently Used Links - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/documentindex.htm
- Types of Grant Programs (Now with Activity Codes list search) - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/funding_program.htm
Buyers Guide on AALAS Website
1) Go to http://www.aalas.org and login with your username and password.
2) Click on the Advanced Search link.
3) Start searching for products and services.
Vendors: If you need to make changes to your listing, please contact Carol Hudock carol.hudock@aalas.org at the AALAS office so she can update our database with your information.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
New AALAS Foundation Website
Visit the new and improved AALAS Foundation website at www.aalasfoundation.org today! The redesigned site includes online donation acceptance, as well as information about biomedical research and public outreach. In addition, the existing content was reorganized to be more accessible both to people in the field, as well as the general public.
Also online is a Request for Proposals, and information on obtaining a grant for projects and programs that support the overall mission of the AALAS Foundation.
New Products Coming Soon
AALAS in a Flash, second version—the original AALAS in a Flash, based on the training manual series, has been a very popular study aid. The new version will have questions from the certification exam reference lists, such as the Animal Welfare Act, the Guide, and PHS Policy. Eight references from all three levels of certification exams have been used as the basis for the questions. As with the first version of AALAS in a Flash, there will be 600 questions in a short answer or true/false format, allowing the user to quickly review material from those references.
Revised Edition of "Working with the IACUC" Now Available
The updated resource is available at the same price as the previous edition—$8 for members, and $12 for nonmembers. Discounts are available on orders of 15 or more. Order at http://www.aalas.org/bookstore/index.aspx.
New ALL Course—Working with the Laboratory Dog: The Basics
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Leadership Academy Nominations
Branch members may nominate themselves or someone else; however, the nomination must be endorsed by the branch president. Each branch is allowed one primary and one alternate individual to attend. You may submit additional alternates to a waiting list to fill vacancies which may be created by branches that do not send attendees. Branch officers are asked to ensure that this information is relayed to all branch members and is suggested that it be printed in your branch’s newsletter as a resource.
The Leadership Academy seminars will be held in Providence Ballroom III at the Westin Hotel. Saturday’s session will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m. and materials will be provided for each participant upon arrival. A reception for all attendees will be held from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. on Saturday following the session. On Sunday morning, from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m., a continental breakfast will be provided. Sunday’s session will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. In order to receive your certificate of completion from Leadership Academy you must attend all of the sessions.
To obtain a nomination form, please contact John McCutchen at 901-754-8620 or john.mccutchen@aalas.org. The deadline to submit the nomination form to the AALAS office is August 24th.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Election Results
Vice President-Elect / Deborah L. Donohoe, BA, LATG
District 1 Trustee / Regina M. Correa-Murphy, RLATG
District 1 Alternate Trustee / Marie-Angelee Ortega, BA, RLATG
District 2 Alternate Trustee / Raymond Butler, RLATG
District 3 Trustee / Roxanne Fox, AA, BS, CMS, LATG
District 5 Trustee / Ralph E. Hornickel, BS, RLATG
District 6 Trustee / Paige A. Werner, MBA, CMAR, LATG
District 7 Trustee / John A. Park, Jr., RLATG
District 8 Trustee / Dee Drye
District 8 Alternate Trustee / Ricardo A. Alvarez, RALAT
Monday, June 25, 2007
New Laboratory Animal Nutrition Course on the ALL
AALAS National Election: Return Ballot by July 2
Please note that you must vote in the district where your ballot is mailed. Incorrectly cast ballots are not counted. Instructions for casting your vote are included on the official ballot.
New Work Experience Criteria for Certification Programs
In addition, the work experience criteria for the LAT and LATG has been reduced. Candidates with an ALAT certification that do not have a high school diploma or GED can apply for the LAT exam after gaining 2 years of experience after earning their ALAT certification.
The CMAR program also implemented new eligibly criteria based on survey results and feedback from members. Candidates may apply under one of the following criteria:
* Candidates with bachelors degree must document five years of work experience in the laboratory animal field, of which three must be in a managerial capacity.
* Candidates with associates degree must document eight years of work experience in the laboratory animal field, of which three must be in a managerial capacity.
* Candidates with a high school or GED diploma must document 10 years of work experience in the laboratory animal field, of which three must be in a managerial capacity.
Monday, June 4, 2007
CALAS Symposium
From left: Bruce Kennedy, AALAS president; Kim Edgar, LAMA president; and Gordon Yee, CALAS President.
The 46th Annual Symposium began June 2 in Calgary, AB. The conference offered a keynote address from Dr. Joseph Bielitzki and a general scientific program that covered areas such as antimicrobial therapy, infectious diseases, and inflammation and immunity. Also covered were how to build state-of-the-art animal facilities, cutting edge animal care programs, and top-notch animal care teams. Craig Bihun served as Scientific Program Chair and Doug Morck as Workshop Chair.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Election Ballot Coming
One sign of a vigorous association is excitement and widespread interest from the membership in seeking elected office. AALAS is indeed a healthy association. This year, there are more candidates seeking trustee and alternate trustee positions than in the past several years. Several candidates, all stellar individuals filed petitions for Vice President Elect, and the Nominations Committee had the arduous task of choosing two of these candidates to be placed on the ballot.
The ballots were mailed June 1. Now it is your turn to contribute to the health of our organization by participating in this election. When you receive your ballot, please review it, give careful consideration to the candidates' experience and position statements, choose the candidates you believe can best lead the association in the coming years, and VOTE! Ballots must be cast (postmarked) on or before July 5.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
AALAS Foundation Board Seeks Directors
Reserve Your Room for the AALAS National Meeting
Friday, May 11, 2007
ILAM 2007
The 4-day training for AALAS' Institute for Laboratory Animal Management (ILAM) concluded with the awards ceremony on May 10. AALAS President Bruce Kennedy attended and presented an overview of AALAS' accomplishments. Congratulations to all participants and the ILAM Committee: Ann Murray, chair; Jussi Helppi, vice chair; Mike Gliganic; Dave Johnson; Adam Seddiqui; Dr. Richard Simmonds; Linda Brovarney; Board of Trustees Liaison Donna Goldsteen; and AALAS Staff Liaisons Carolyn Simonton and Betty Cartwright.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Cost of Caring Brochure: An Important Resource
This brochure is free for download as a PDF from the AALAS web site. New packaging and discounts of the printed brochure also make this resource very affordable for distribution among staff. Brochures may be purchased in packs of 10 for $10, and discounts are applied to volume purchases: 10% for 3-4 packs, 20% for 5-9 packs, and 40% for 10 or more packs. Visit the AALAS Bookstore today to obtain copies for your staff.
National Meeting Update
Exhibitors must register through their companies. The AALAS Housing Bureau will be open by the end of the month. Another email will be sent out with instructions for booking housing and a link to the site. Review of abstract and topic submissions for the program continues.
The preliminary program will be online by mid June, with a hard copy soon to follow. Workshop registration forms will be available online by the end of June. Additional emails will be sent to alert you of these developments.
AALAS National Election: Vote for Your Leaders!
Click here for a complete listing of vice president-elect, trustee, and alternate trustee candidates. (You must be logged on to view the web page.) The website and the official ballot include the names of all eligible candidates for each position, their position statements, photos, and background/credential information.
Please note that you must vote in the district where your ballot is mailed. Incorrectly cast ballots are not counted. Instructions for casting your vote are included on the official ballot.
AALAS Awards Deadline Extended
The seven awards are the Griffin, Garvey, Brewer, Collins, Technician of the Year, Bhatt Young Investigator, and Cohen Animal Stewardship award. General nominations are not necessary for the AALAS Technician Publication Award or the Poster Session Awards.
All awards except the Poster Session Awards will be presented during the AALAS Opening General Session. The Poster Session Awards will be presented during the AALAS General Membership Meeting.
Monday, May 7, 2007
LAWTE Accepting Abstracts
The presentation of a poster provides an alternative opportunity for presenting training ideas at the Laboratory Animal Welfare Training Exchange meeting.
The poster categories are
- Training the Trainer - topics which provide ideas, suggestions, procedures, including experience, regarding making a "better" or "more effective" trainer.
- Training Techniques - actual novel techniques used in specific training (in any area of laboratory animal science) including the use of alternatives (previous historical / published examples include the use of the Koken rat).
- Training Management - topics surrounding novel ideas for documenting and record keeping various aspects of the training program, training, database collection, databases, etc.
Authors will be expected to be present to discuss their posters during the LRC event on August 9th, times to be listed in the LAWTE Meeting official program. Detailed poster submission and construction instructions will be available on the LAWTE website. Winning poster contestants will receive a monetary award.
Please contact the Poster Committee Chair Kim Overhulse if you need assistance with the poster submissions.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Resources for Animal Use in University Courses
Director, AALAS Education & Scientific Affairs
The following resources, although aimed at pre-college education levels, may be useful for a college biology 101 course.
ILAR has guideline principles in the use of animals in education, and AALAS recognized these ILAR principles in a postion statement with the addition of recommendations and links to other resources.
Use of Animals in Precollege Education
PDF version -
HTML version -
There are also a series of Fact Sheets on animal care (specific species and animal groups) and key issues (allergies, pain and distress) which are downloadable as PDFs at:
AALAS Foundation Seeks Auction Items for Charlotte
The annual auctions help raise funds to support educational outreach on the essential role of responsible laboratory animal care and use. Please participate again this year by donating items for the auction.
Auction Details: The Silent Auction opens Sunday, October 14th at 9:00 a.m. and closes Wednesday, October 17th at 12:30 p.m., immediately preceding the close of the exhibit hall. The Live Auction will be held Wednesday evening during the Foundation Appreciation Reception.
If you would like to donate an item for the Foundation Auction, please send a brief description of the item(s), approximate value, and donor info to Sheryl Joyner or by fax to 901-753-0046. Please call 901-754-8620 with questions. Donations must be received in the AALAS national office by September 14, 2007 (to be shipped to Charlotte) or you may bring your item to the Foundation Booth in the Charlotte Convention Center.
Ship items to:
AALAS Foundation
c/o Auction
9190 Crestwyn Hills Drive
Memphis, TN 38125
Friday, April 20, 2007
For Users of the VA researchtraining.org Website
Director, AALAS Education & Scientific Affairs
This is for institutions which are users of the VA ResearchTraining.Org web site (RT) for staff training. Below are updates on the transition of the ResearchTraining.Org to the AALAS Learning Library. If you are one of the institutions using RT, please share this with your IACUC staff or research administration.
The transition date for the integration of the VA training website ResearchTraining.org (RT) with the AALAS Learning Library (ALL) has been moved to May 14, 2007 (a delay of 2 weeks). The 90-day period of free use of the ALL has been shifted, accordingly, to end on September 14.
In the first two weeks of May, we will be scheduling several free training sessions to assist RT Admins in learning how to use the ALL and manage their personnel's training on the ALL. These training sessions will be web-based with audio over toll-free phone lines. RT Admins will receive an invitation email with information about these sessions early next week (around April 23). If your RT Admin has received the update email, please have them contact me.
- By April 27, we will send RT Admins a list of instructions to aid their personnel in accessing the ALL and navigating to their courses. These instructions will be appropriate for electronic distribution or posting on a web site.
- About a week before the transfer, RT Admins will receive an email confirming their ALL logins (username and password). (Some RT logins may have to be changed if they conflict with any ALL login.) The RT Admins' new ALL logins will give these individuals (one per ALL group) the authorities needed to manage their personnel's access to the ALL. (If you are an RT Admin, please plan on participating in one of the free web training sessions to learn how to use the ALL in the capacity of a group coordinator.)
- By May 14, each institution's logins and user records (all personnel) and any custom courses will be transferred automatically to the ALL, unless an institution specifically requests otherwise.
- After the transfer has taken place, RT Admins will receive a notification email with information on how many accounts are available to them for staff training through September 14.
- When the RT transfer has been completed, the RT site will be taken off-line. However, the RT database will be archived for about a year if the need arises to verify data records.
If an institution has not yet completed the RT user needs questionnaire, it is not too late. This questionnaire will remain available until May 4 at: http://www.questionpro.com/akira/TakeSurvey?id=648111
The information collected in this survey relates to whether your institution wishes to transfer its RT data and courses to the ALL, and if so, how many persons may be expected to require training on the ALL between May 14 and September 14. We will use your responses to give your institution the number of free accounts needed during this period.
If you have any questions about the transfer of RT to the ALL, please do not hesitate to contact the following AALAS staff:
Nicole Duffee (nicole.duffee@aalas.org)
Pam Grabeel (pam.grabeel@aalas.org)
Alicia Bellow (alicia.bellow@aalas.org)
Brenda Johson (brenda.johnson@aalas.org)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Government Relations Committee
The OLAW Checklist
I strongly suggest that if you use the OLAW checklist "add" these two very important (and required) program components so that they are not missed in the semi-annual review.
From Mary Lou James, BA, LATG, Consultant, Regulatory Compliance via CompMed.
Friday, April 13, 2007
More Services for Journals Coming
- Articles will be online as HTML. Currently, AALAS only has the capability for PDF articles.
- Authors can take advantage of Dartmouth's DigitalExpert system for automated feedback on producing technically correct figures.
- Authors will receive free ePrints.
In other journal news, AALAS will soon have available an updated End Notes template for authors.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Register Online for National Meeting
Postal Rates Going Up
AALAS General Services Specialist Joe Fraser explains the upcoming postal rate increase to coworkers.
165 miles per hour...
Animal Legal & Historical Web Center
Thursday, March 29, 2007
AVMA Names DeHaven
10th Brazilian Congress
From left: Ann Turner, executive director of AALAS; Harry Rozmiarek of ICLAS; Sylvia Ortiz, President of COBEA; Marcel Frajblat, Incoming President of COBEA; and Jim Swearengen, AAALAC, Int.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Pet Food Recall Update
The AVMA has been closely monitoring the recent pet food recall issued by the FDA and the overwhelming number of media reports it has generated. As a result, you may be getting inquiries about this from the general public or seeing patients potentially affected by ingestion of the recalled products.
As a service to our members, the Association has compiled and continues to constantly update resources for veterinarians and the general public on the AVMA Web site at http://www.avma.org.
The resources can be accessed from the home page by clicking on "Pet Food Recall," or by going directly to http://www.avma.org/aa/menufoodsrecall/default.asp.
For veterinarians, these resources include:
* A complete list of recalled products
* Emerging news about the possible causative agent(s)
* Data from the Animal Medical Center of New York City
* Up to the minute information from the companies and federal agencies affected by this recall
* Guidelines for veterinarians from the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
* A fact sheet written specifically for veterinarians
* A checklist for dealing with suspected contaminated food from JAVMA
In addition, the AVMA has made a concerted effort to share all that it knows about the recall with the public to help reduce unwarranted fear.
If you haven't already, please visit the Web site, and check back for updates. The AVMA continues to expand and refresh these materials as new information becomes available.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
James E. Corbin (1921-2007)
Dr. James E. Corbin, 1972 AALAS president and the 2004 Griffin Award winner, passed away
Dr. Corbin’s distinguished career in laboratory animal science spanned five decades, including a 19-year tenure at Ralston Purina Company, where he played a leading role in developing the Purina pet foods that are now known and used by consumers worldwide. In addition to his pioneering advances in animal nutrition and nourishment, Dr. Corbin’s professional life has also been characterized by active participation in over a dozen science organizations and associations. Notable positions include his former presidency of AALAS, his past committee memberships on behalf of such government agencies as the National Research Council and the FDA, and his most recent status as Fellow of the American Society of Animal Science. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the
In recognition of his many contributions, a memorial scholarship fund is being established—the Dr. James B. Corbin Companion Animal Biology Scholarship—for students in the
JAALAS Wins Award
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Flying Snake
Monday, March 19, 2007
New Version of IACUC.org
TriBranch Symposium 2007
Friday, March 9, 2007
CTAD at the AALAS National Office
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
March 2007 JAALAS Now Available
Variation in Organ Volumes of Matched BALB/c Mice by Microcomputed Tomography Analysis
Robin J Kastenmayer and Kathy A Perdue
Effect of Method of Euthanasia on Sperm Motility of Mature Sprague-Dawley Rats
Shannon A Stutler, Eric W Johnson, Kenneth R Still, David J Schaeffer, Rex A Hess, and Darryl P Arfsten
Discrimination of C57BL/6J Rj and 129S2/SvPasCrl Inbred Mouse Strains by Use of Simple Sequence Length Polymorphisms
Celine Lamacchia, Gaby Palmer, and Cem Gabay
Genomic Comparison of Lewis and Wistar-Furth Rat Substrains by Use of Microsatellite Markers
Ralph J Callicott, Scott T Ballard, and James E Womack
Anesthesia for Cardiovascular Interventions and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pigs
Gernot M Kaiser, Frank Breuckmann, Stephanie Aker, Holger Eggebrecht, Hilmar Kuehl, Raimund Erbel, Nils R Fruhauf, Christoph E Broelsch, and Harald H Quick
Use of Environmentally Enriched Housing for Rats with Spinal Cord Injury: The Need for Standardization
Darlene A Burke, David SK Magnuson, Christine D Nunn, Kimberly G Fentress, Mary L Wilson, Alice H Shum-Siu, Meika C Moore, Logan E Turner, William W King, and Stephen M Onifer
Efficacy of Fenbendazole and Milbemycin Oxime for Treating Baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) Infected with Trichuris trichiura
Mason V Reichard, Roman F Wolf, David W Carey, Jennifer Jane Garrett, and Heather A Briscoe
Strategies for Refinement of Abdominal Device Implantation in Mice: Strain, Carboxymethylcellulose, Thermal Support, and Atipamezole
Nancy A Johnston, Christine Bosgraaf, Lisa Cox, Joel Reichensperger, Steven Verhulst, Calvin Patten Jr, and Linda A Toth
A Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction Based on the gyrB Gene Sequence and Subsequent Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis of Pasteurella pneumotropica Isolates from Laboratory Mice
Nobuhito Hayashimoto, Masami Ueno, Akira Takakura, and Toshio Itoh
Complete Blood Count, Clinical Chemistry, and Serology Profile by Using a Single Tube of Whole Blood from Mice
Charles E Wiedmeyer, Dawn Ruben, and Craig Franklin
Automated Mouse Euthanasia in an Individually Ventilated Caging System: System Development and Assessment
Alyssa R McIntyre, Robert A Drummond, Elyn R Riedel, and Neil S Lipman
Comparison of Cardiovascular Effects of Tiletamine-Zolazepam, Pentobarbital, and Ketamine-Xylazine in Male Rats
Dhanonjoy C Saha, Animita C Saha, Gautam Malik, Mark E Astiz, and Eric C Rackow
The Evaluation of Whole-body Plethysmography as a Semiautomated Method for Analysis of Emesis in the House Musk Shrew (Suncus murinus)
Nobuhiko Tashiro, Masanori Kataoka, Kazunori Ozawa, and Takuya Ikeda
Epistylididae ectoparasites in a colony of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis)
Kathleen R Pritchett and George E Sanders
Uterine Epithelioid Trophoblastic Tumor in an African Green Monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus)
David Chu, Ie-Ming Shih, Mary Knezevich, and Sachiv Sheth
Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Pain in Rodents and Rabbits
Monday, March 5, 2007
Sixth World Congress
The Sixth World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences is scheduled to be held August 21-25, 2007 in Tokyo, Japan. For more information about the Congress and program submission forms, go to http://www.ech.co.jp/wc6/index.html. The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 31st.
New Law for Tax Exempt Organizations
The principle change made by this law, and one that will affect all Branches that have received a tax exempt letter from the IRS (qualifying the Branch as a 501(c)(3) organization) is that as of the year 2008 all organizations recognized as being exempt from Federal taxes by the IRS will be required to make an annual filing with the IRS. Prior to the enactment of this law, tax exempt organizations with annual income below $25,000 (from dues, meetings, exhibits or whatever) had no filing requirement. Organizations with income exceeding $25,000 always have been and will still be required to file an annual Form 990 (IRS Form 990, Return of an Organization Exempt from Tax).
Another provision of this law that may affect those Branches that file Unrelated Business Income (UBI) Forms with their annual 990 tax form (IRS Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return) is that they are now required to have this form available for public inspection as well as their 990s. (Advertising income in publications is probably the main source of UBI for tax exempts, including Branches.)
The changes made by this recent law for organizations that have received an exemption letter from the IRS pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code can be found at www.irs.gov. Click on Charities and Religious Organizations and once there click on “New Law Revises EO Tax Rules.”
As of this date, the IRS has not announced what will be required in the “annual notice” that those organizations with less than $25,000 in income will have to file as of 2008. The IRS website states that what will be required will be posted “soon.”
If your branch is filing a Form 990, it is recommended that your accountant or whoever is filing the 990 review this website.
As soon as the IRS posts its requirements for the Annual Notice AALAS will pass these on to the Branches.
Friday, February 23, 2007
AALAS accepting nominations for Trustees
District 1 – Trustee & Alternate Trustee
District 2 – Alternate Trustee
District 3 – Trustee
District 5 – Trustee
District 6 – Trustee
District 7 – Trustee
District 8 – Trustee & Alternate Trustee
To submit a nomination, go to the AALAS website, log in with your username and password, and access the file circled in red ("Leadership Nomination Information"). Nominating Petitions must be submitted to the AALAS office no later than April 13, 2007.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
District 5 Annual Meeting
For more information, visit here.
Test your knowledge of animal group names
What is a group of ants called?
What is a group of warthogs called?
What is a group of bats called?
Everyone knows that a group of fish is a school and a bunch of geese is a gaggle. But did you know that a group of squirrels is a dray and a bunch of badgers is a cete?
Test your knowledge here.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
National Meeting Update
Abstract and topic submission is site is now open at http://aalas.abstractcentral.com. The submission deadline is March 15. For information about the types of presentations and how to submit, view the Call for Abstracts and Topic Submissions at http://nationalmeeting.aalas.org/callforabs.asp.
Bruce Kennedy and the Program Committee have introduced the Oncology Forum. Those with backgrounds and expertise in research, clinical care, and husbandry of animal models of oncology are especially encouraged to submit.
Prospective exhibitors can access the Exhibitor Prospectus at http://nationalmeeting.aalas.org/exh_pros.asp. It includes all the regulations, booth specs and pricing, sponsorship opportunities, and application forms.
Audio recordings and webinars from the 2006 meeting in Salt Lake City are still available. View the webinars at http://www.aalas.org/webinars.asp, and purchase audio recordings at http://www.lawrencemg.com/conferencerecording/go/aalas1006/.
RSS Feed Now Available for JAALAS
Once you have a feed reader program you can subscribe to the JAALAS feed by simply clicking on the link. The steps to subscribing will vary depending on the type of reader program you are using, but all are simple and straightforward. Once you have subscribed to the feed you will be automatically notified every time new JAALAS content is uploaded to www.aalas.org. An RSS feed for Comparative Medicine will be created starting with the February 2007 issue.